Bonfire Night: Our Guide To The Perfect Evening

Bonfire night is a great time to gather with friends and family. We've created a guide to help you have the perfect night.

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The Used Cars Worth 4x More Than They Were Brand New

As UK inflation rate eases, used car price growth quadruples in just six months.

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How to Demist Your Windscreen Faster

Demisting your car windscreen when you're late for work is a pain, but a necessary and daily task during the cold winter months - so we've compiled a few handy tips to speed things up and get you on your way.

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You Could Be Fined Up to £5000 For Driving in a Halloween Costume

Motorists gearing up for a fright fest on Halloween have been warned they could be fined £5,000 if their costume restricts their ability behind the wheel.

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MotorEasy Wears It Pink to Raise Money For Breast Cancer Now

The MotorEasy team wear their best pink clothes to raise and support Breast Cancer Now and all the hard work that they do.

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How Technology in Cars is Saving Lives

Road traffic deaths in the UK in the modern era peaked at nearly 8000 deaths in 1966. By 1980 the figure was still only just below 6000. It wasn’t until the 1990s that the decline thankfully steepened, dropping by nearly a third from 5217 to 3409 by the year 2000.

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Thirteen Terrifying Halloween Cars

With Halloween upon us, here’s our pick of terrifying rides in which to roam eerie roads as darkness descends. These motors are scarier than petrol shortages and a privation of pumpkins in Tescos.

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